Offa's Dyke
177 miles August 2009
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Sadly the journal for this walk is missing, as are several others. Probably simply because my filing system is a mess and I had a computer crash some years back that destroyed a lot of data. Lesson learned.
I do know, however, that we (wife, myself, youngest son and his girlfriend at the time) caught the train to Prestatyn on the 1st of August 2009. I know this because I still have the train ticket acting as a book mark. The book is "Offa's Dyke Path" by Keith Carter. It is written North to South, so that is the route we took.
One reason for walking this route was to enjoy Hergest Ridge underfoot, having enjoyed it many times aurally as a fan of Mike Oldfield. It turned out to be an absolutely magnificent ridge walk. It was along here that we encountered some hopelessly lost DoE awarders. As it is not appropriate (apparently) to offer direct navigational help, instead we went and had lunch at an important (for them) crossroad, acting as an obvious landmark.
The photos are in order starting at the way marker in Prestatyn and ending in Chepstow.